The Energy and Climate Plan, promoting climate ambition.
This is what the slogan of the 2021-2035 Energy and Climate Plan says, will move 235,000 million euros to combat climate change.
A challenge for all that the current government wants to undertake in this period to advance in the ecological transition. The most urgent measures are the control of the rise in the price of electricity, the elimination of the “sun tax”, the recognition of shared self-consumption and the promotion of sustainable mobility.
The fundamental objectives of the climate and energy framework for 2030 in the European environment are three:
- At least 40% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions (compared to 1990)
- At least 27% share of renewable energy.
- At least 27% improvement in energy efficiency.
In this respect, Spain deals with the Plan, reaching the standards proposed by Europe, legislating and promoting strategies aimed at reducing CO2 emissions.
The draft, which will be sent to Brussels, will be ready in a few weeks. It will be then when we know the specifications of the Plan.